Advanced Training For Advanced Missions

The Training Management Suite™ from nFocus Solutions™ streamlines and optimizes training and education programs for over 2.4 million soldiers. Comprised of Curriculum Development, Training Delivery, and Training Management capabilities, the Training Management Suite helps leaders track requirements and ensure that collective and individual training programs support improved performance across the entire Enterprise.

  • View, Prioritize, and Manage unit training readiness based on task standards, event standards, and doctrinal qualifications and measures (METL, T&EOs, CATS, weapons qualifications, ACFT, etc.).
  • Intuitive and fluid interface for detailed small-unit, crew, and individual soldier readiness; powerful crew/team assignment, tracking and readiness features.
  • Highly responsive and nested training calendar, providing integrated multi-echelon view of training events and activities; expandable Long-Range Planning calendars supporting 12-72 month horizon.
  • Training Meeting module directly supporting company and above commanders and staff: AARs, T-Week tracking, coordination checklists, CATS resources, risk assessments, 8-step training model, etc.
  • Advanced Soldier management and ITRs for rapid scoring, reports, and training schedules; Small Unit Leader tools and ITR ready in mobile view for all soldiers, all echelons.
  • High impact data visualization, readiness indicators and time-series feedback and alerts. Custom Army work-flow functions (e.g. Annual Training Guidance and Training Schedule approvals, CATS event resource requests, etc.).

Advanced Training
For Advanced Missions

  • Automate training assignments based on custom-defined qualifications (i.e., job position, department, etc.)

  • Leverage blended learning with the ability to manage online and offline learning.

  • Manage required training by setting dates, duration, and recertification dates that include trigger notifications.

  • Use predictive reports to forecast upcoming training needs for your workforce.

  • Analyze position-by-position requirements.

  • An integrated training calendar includes online registration capabilities.

Advanced Training

Training Management Server™ is an advanced software solution that accurately monitors and assesses the performance of military personnel and entire operational units in real-time. The powerful technology streamlines training processes while also increasing operational efficiencies, allowing commanders to determine mission readiness.
Four-star training
It’s who you know
One central location
Keep it simple
Manage performance
Get a clear picture

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